Do you know about Earth Therapy? This and more exciting updates are in store for you in eBodyFUSION October videoletter.

Get to know more about the T Archives new video and our new weekly Facebook live session announcement.

earth therapyEarth therapy and grounding? Are you familiar with these concepts? It may sound new to many people but the idea of earthing therapy has been around for a decade now. However, it did not receive the recognition it needed because some people criticized it as just another “wuu woo barefoot hippy, nudist natural health stuff”. But there is an authoritative book about earth therapy and how it is beneficial to tap into earth’s electrical reservoir.

Earthing the Most Important Health Discovery Ever!” First published in 2010 (now in it’s second edition), translated into more than 12 languages, is a book that should be read by every health professional, so that’s why Benedick and Lin dove in and created this review, just for you. Get the facts straight and read more about earth therapy in this book review here.

eBodyFUSION T ArchivesIn September, we launched the eBodyFUSION T Archives and we got amazing response from people who signed up, downloaded the free teleconference and upgraded to the Bronze, Silver and Gold edition. This month of October, we decided to spice things up and show you the pile of transcripts and the different devices and stuff we used during 2007 to 2010 when we were working on the training program and recording the teleconferences. It’s a nostalgic video that brought back wonderful memories and amazing stories from people who came to eBodyFUSION, signed up for the training program and experienced phenomenal results from following our proven health and wellness strategy. Watch the new eBodyFUSION T Archives video here.

eBodyFUSION Wellness Group on FacebookFinally, we are responding to our members’ request of doing a regular Facebook Live session. Every Saturday, at 12 noon Pacific Time, Benedick Howard will do a Facebook Live update on the latest health and wellness strategies and answer some of the questions posted by members. Feel free to leave a comment, ask a question or give any feedback during the live session and Benedick will personally respond to these comments and questions. Check out our first live session last September 23. Benedick discussed earthing, nano currents, wellness tips and answered how DENAS PCM 6 can address skin problems like eczema.  Join the group and watch it here.

Join Benedick Howard – eBodyFUSION Wellness Saturday Facebook Live! 12 noon Pacific!


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