Discover our 5 Secret Microcurrent Facial Benefits and the all new 2018 eBodyFUSION Wellness Coaching System.

Do you still feel tired even after a good night’s sleep?

Do you have cravings that sabotage you from making healthy decisions?

It’s time to break the cycle.

Over the last year, we have been sharing tips and strategies on how to optimize your health so you can do more and enjoy life to the fullest by solving your pain, boosting your energy and rejuvenation. If you have been following us, then you’ll know to start gentle is to end strong! This Start Gentle – End Strong is a game changer because it’s all about taking “baby steps” learning to walk again and optimizing your wellness at the same time. Let’s be realistic, results will not happen overnight, but over the months you will notice the benefits, even when all else has failed.


The secret is available by committing to our desires and goals, accompanied with specific microcurrent strategies that change day to day as you quickly get charged, just like a battery, and get healthier. During this time you might have a healing crisis (the old habits dissolving and detoxing) and that’s to be expected, in fact welcomed because you finally have the energy to move on 🙂

This is not the time to give up.

Time to break those habits!

That’s why this month we prepared exciting things for you.  Trust me you can optimize your health and wellness goals with our exceptional solutions.  Consider our coaching and become one of our platinum 1-on-1 mentoring clients in 2018!  If that’s you, contact us.  Click icon bottom right.

Meantime!  On a scale of 1 -10 how do you feel about your health and wellness in 2017?

5 Secret Microcurrent facial benefits that your aesthetician does not know about

microcurrent facial benefitsCheck out our December 2017 lead article on microcurrent facial benefits and the 5 benefits that your aesthetician does not know about. We all know that flawless skin is the business of celebrities. They go to great lengths or even brave the pain of going under the knife just to keep that wrinkle-free, young-looking skin. No wonder anti-aging treatment has grown into a big business venture.

For years the interest in natural and noninvasive anti-aging treatment has sparked research and medical studies. One of the most recent developments in cosmetology is the use of microcurrent facial.

Celebrities with deep purses were the first to experience the rejuvenating effect of microcurrent facial. It was too expensive at first, however, spas and beauty centers created their own models of microcurrent facial that clients can take at home.

Check out our review of the top 5 microcurrent facial devices, the different microcurrent facial benefits and which device is the best.
Click to read the 5 secret microcurrent facial benefits article.

2018 eBodyFUSION Wellness Coaching and Training Systems

Are you going to get off the fence and become one of our elite 1-on-1 mentoring clients in 2018 and max your wellness and longevity?
Since 2007 we were the first service to train and support people to achieve the best possible results using microcurrent devices with our wellness coaching.  All through the internet online.  No travel, no hotels, no all too quick weekend overloads and little or no support to guide you ongoingly.  As everybody is different the application strategies vary according to your unique needs, and over time this varies a lot.

From 2007 – 2010 we compiled a three-year case study of 420 pages of case studies transcripts and 52 teleconferences with clients who enrolled for the eBodyFUSION Wellness Coaching and Training System and how for some, it saved their life.  What we learned was that even the simplest microcurrent device worked well compared to the professional devices when clients had weekly strategy sessions to tailor their individual needs and quickly achieve optimum wellness and healing.
Click here to get a complimentary copy of one of the original eBodyFUSION T Archives training sessions.

The 2018 eBodyFUSION wellness coaching and training builds on this 10 years of microcurrent coaching foundation to provide the best possible solution for you.  You might ask, “so what makes the 2018 eBodyFUSION Wellness training and coaching so unique”?  Here’s what’s coming:

  • There are 5 levels (bronze – silver – gold – platinum – 1-on-1 mentoring) to the 2018 eBodyFUSION Wellness training and coaching for you to chose from.
  • Bronze and silver Self study Family and Friends online training programs to the gold and platinum levels with 24/7 group and 1-on-1 mentoring levels.  And the exclusive eBodyFUSION “Ninja” coaching strategies that have been even further refined in 2017.
  • In 2018 you can now bring your own microcurrent device, any Avazzia, ENART, DENAS, SCENAR etc. and finally discover how to really use it for way more than you ever imagined and save on travel, get monthly support and learn how microcurrent works in the real world.
    Good for all ages from children to seniors.
  • Join the eBodyFUSION News list for more details.

Over the years, the eBodyFUSION Wellness Coaching and Training System helped hundreds of people worldwide to achieve optimal health, get off the medical treadmill and win over the mind game and finally take action. As we approach the new year, we will be launching exciting new programs that will cater to the specific needs of each client.

Wellness Saturdays is Benedick’s way of sharing how to take control of your health and wellness by using proven and advanced strategies.  Recently he talked about Nikola Tesla and how he acknowledged that using electricity for therapy and healing is “the greatest of doctors”. Also, the other week we discussed how the mind game is hampering our decisions to be healthy, and the benefits of sunlight on the mitochondria.  Wellness Saturday with Benedick – 12 noon Pacific!