Hey Friend,

We’ve had over 18 inches of rains this month on the Big Island and it’s been tough on my exercise and nutrition goals, and…

And we’re already 1/6th of the way into 2018.

Quick question, something my coaching clients address each week, on a scale of 1 – 10 how are your 2018 health goals faring?

Did you plan to eat better at the start of the year? Then, how many pounds of healthy nutrition rich organic non GMO vegetables did you scoff!

Or, a favorite is, to do more exercise in 2018. Then what specifically are you keeping track thus far, if any?

Personally, during the last 60 days I increased my running weekly average but, when it rains for days … I take a break.

Consistency is key. That’s consistently doing step by step actions to manifest your goals.

Your healthy mindset plays an important role to keep you motivated to achieve your goals for optimizing your health and wellness.

To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.” – Buddha

What I gained from over the years of training and coaching experience is that there are 4 levels of ‘persona’ that will help you control your mind so you can optimize your health longterm.

Health CoachEach persona has a ‘driving emotion’ behind it. This driving emotion influences all your decisions, goals successes and failures within that ‘persona’.

To advance to the next phase of growth for your health, you must evolve your mindset so you make better decisions and actions to create different results.

And right now you can learn how to do exactly that with Benedick’s new book the “Wellness Ninja Manifesto”.

In the pages of the manifesto, you will see the true power of mindset transformation.

It will change your life, for the best.

Click here to optimize your health and get the details about Benedick’s Wellness Ninja Manifesto.

And turn to page 27 my signature 7-step process to create a clear vision of how you would like your life to become.