DENAS VERTEBRALooking for the coolest, fastest and easiest way to relieve chronic pain, boost energy and fight aging?  The DENAS Vertebra v2 is your best choice among the SCENAR devices out there.

Just lie down, align your back with the 48 electrodes and feel the instant effect of electrons infusing your body with natural energy.

The DENAS VERTEBRA v2 device generates bipolar electrical pulses, felt as gentle tingles, that dynamically adapt to the changes in the skin impedance as your pain reduces, your energy is boosted and old injuries rejuvenate. The electrical pulses or microcurrent from the Vertebra mimics the same electrical pulses released by the brain. Therefore, microcurrent is organic and the body responds to it naturally.

The DENAS VERTEBRA is the ULTIMATE microcurrent device on the planet that obsoletes all the complicated time to consume, can only be done on another person’s back, Russian protocols. So that you can achieve even better quicker results alone.

It’s so convenient to use that you just lie on it and let the electrodes stimulate the nerves in your spine.

DENAS Vertebra Programs

The DENAS Vertebra has specific microcurrent frequency sets of 5 programs that sequentially tingle the spine from the 48 electrodes.

Program A: 60, 77, 140, 200, 20, 77 Hz for 23 minutes. This program is used to boost energy,reduce pain and get long term neuropeptide production benefits.

Program B: 200, 77, 60, 77, 20 Hz for 25 minutes. This is beneficial in quickly reducing intense pain, killing pathogens and boosting energy.

Program C: 60, 77, 140, 20, 77 Hz for 26 minutes. This is for overall tonification, mood alteration and energy boosting.

Program D: 140, 77, 20 Hz for 10 minutes. This program is a quick electrical boost for low energy and general support.

Program E: 60, 77, 140, 200, 20, 77, 10, 140, 77 and 20 Hz for up to 35 minutes. This deep cycle charge provides overall support and assessment.

DENAS Vertebra Testimonials

Here’s what others say about the DENAS Vertebra v2:

“Everybody was giving me different advice for lower back, sciatica, and neck. Lots of pain keeping me up at night. I was miserable for six months. Now, sleeping at night, minimal soreness. After healing crisis feeling much better, now it’s really working.” – Jack Higgins, Hawaii

“It’s like having your private masseuse 24/7.  Week started out rough with emotional stuff at home.  I  keep falling asleep when I am on the Vertebra 2  ¬  Oh  so  nice.” -Diane Monteil, California

The DENAS Vertebra is the coolest “laid back way” for you if you want to solve pain, boost energy and rejuvenate.

The DENAS VERTEBRA has an excellent set of 5 programs with highly effective frequencies that tingle the spine and back from the 48 electrodes. Plus, it’s very convenient to use compared to having someone else treating your back with a handheld pain relief device like the DENAS PCM 6.

DENAS Vertebra

If you are a first-time user, here are some practical tips to remember:

Tip# 1: Warm up the electrodes before use. The electrodes can be very cold. It would help to warm it up a bit before you lay on it. One of the clients suggested keeping it close to the window where the sun can warm it up.

Tip# 2: A person with a bony back will need a few sessions to find the perfect spot so the electrodes would align to the spine accordingly. As they say, practice makes perfect.

Tip# 3: Follow the 5-program sequence to maximize the Vertebra’s full potential healing benefits.

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