Benedick's Wellness Ninja Manifesto

Five Uncommon Energy Secrets for Wellness Seekers Who Are Ready For Instant Energy, Optimum Health and Longevity

Brand New From Benedick Howard

“My New Book Reveals
Five Uncommon Energy Secrets

for Health and Wellness Seekers Who Are

Ready For Instant Energy,

Optimum Health and Longevity

…Even If All Else Has Failed”


Benedick Howard Health Coach

From The Desk of Benedick Howard
Puna, Hawaii.

Dear Friend,

If you’d like to improve the overall quality of your health so that you can get on with living with plenty of energy then my advanced health coaching strategies might be just the ticket for you and this will be the most important book you’ll ever read.

I am excited for you.

But First, Read This Disclaimer:

Please understand my results are not typical. I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter).

I have the benefit of practicing health coaching for over 30 years, and have an exclusive and grateful following as a result.

The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your health background, your vision, and your work ethic.

Embracing lifestyle changes entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS BOOK.

With that said … let me jump right in and show you…

Exactly What You’re Getting

First of all, this isn’t like any health book you’ve ever read. There’s no fluff or filler – just battle-tested tactics that are working right now.

And it’s easy to read.

At 96 pages, you can read it in an afternoon.

And It’s About MORE Than Just Health Coaching.

See, you can use the same systems detailed in this book to optimize your health

For example, I’ve used the same system with my health coaching clients to get results even when all else has failed.

A retired Senior Lead of US Navy Intelligence is using the same strategies in the book to finally get results – naturally.

A successful day trader from Hong Kong reduced his massive C5-C6 disc herniation neck pain in only 7 weeks even though the surgeons had wanted to operate as “the only solution”.
Again done naturally, without drugs, supplements and at home.



Simon Lee – MIT

So like I said, there’s more to this little book than “just” health coaching. Here’s a fraction of what you’re getting…

My exact step by step health coaching strategies that creates a burning vision of the benefits of optimizing your health, so you can get the results you need.

Wellness Manifesto Pearls

  • Can you really resolve the core issues of chronic pain naturally and at all costs without a knife? Page 6
  • The REASONS Why I NEVER Took Advice from The World’s Greatest Health Experts. Page 15
  • The SHOCKING truth-bombs that you need to understand if you really care about your health and longevity. Page 9
  • Why you get caught up in the Research for Health Trap and make the same unhealthy decisions that sabotage your success. Break the cycle so you can get clarity on what is right for you. Page 33
  • Know the 12 crucial health tips that the other guys, even medical professionals, don’t get yet. Page 14
  • Why doing what you are doing now CANNOT get you pass a certain health plateau. Page 11
  • Your “I am OK” mindset is critically limiting you optimizing your health. And it only gets worse over the years, unless you do something about it. Page 32
  • Answer these 7 health questions to optimize your health. Page 56
  • Discover the health optimizing tactics so that a man in his 60s can run 2 to 4 miles almost three times a week, play the ukulele and do Ashtanga yoga. Page 64
  • Find out how a small device powered by AA batteries can work its magic very quickly on painful joints, back pain, neck pain, headaches, pinched nerves, sore throats, colds, digestive problems, respiratory issues and even sleep and exercise. Page 8
  • Learn the 8 key health assets to maximize your Mitochondrial Health. Page 8
  • Get to know hundreds of my clients around the planet, some who were bedridden with Lymes or paralyzed. Page 19
  • Unravel the facts of the historic malaria cases in Africa and how corporations monopolized the results of the lab tests. Page 21
  • Detect our body’s unseen enemy, the one that you fear the most because there is only so much you can do to prepare. Page 23
  • Identify the specific nerve fibers in your body that will ultimately cause quick rejuvenation to rebuild tissues and, avoid surgery at all cost. Page 26
  • This is my signature 7-step process to create a clear vision of how you would like your life to become. Page 27
  • How to see your health as an “investment vehicle” that’s designed to give you the lifestyle, freedom and health you always wanted even if nothing else has worked. Page 81
  • Realize the truth that you can’t do everything alone. The role of a coach and a strong support community can make all the difference between success and failure. Page 37
  • Here is a process to help you establish measurable goals, daily, weekly and monthly. Page 41
  • Get the 7 phenomenal benefits from health coaching. Page 50
  • Ultimately, unravel the ways to change the fraudulent face of medicine and get off the medical treadmill. Page 74

Wow! That’s a lot of time-proven strategies and tactics.
And guess what?
We’re just warming up.

It gets all better once you get a copy of the manifesto because you are also getting….

An Advanced “Health Manifesting” System for Results-Driven Wellness Seekers

At the end of this manifesto, you get the complete blueprint of the most advanced health and wellness strategy administered in the wellness industry and our core values.

If there’s anyone more advanced and strategic than this, I would have been enrolled there!

You will soon learn how to become a master of your own health – with my signature Start Gentle, End Strong program, my expert advanced microcurrent application strategies, and other cutting-edge health technologies.

This simple but effective health coaching program has been evolving and helping my clients for decades. And no one has come close to replicating my system.

If you think this is the best, there’s more!

It’s specifically designed for people who hate “medicine

Just like me! If you don’t like “pills”, you’re not alone. I dislike them so much. I get more benefits from my health optimizing tactics, each of which you’ll also be able to implement by putting into action the 5 uncommon secrets that you are about to discover.

And that’s why I labored for years developing this health manifesting system that I am giving you at the end of this manifesto.

When you use it, three things will happen.

First, you will notice a change in your pain problems and health issues. One of my clients came to me with sleeping problems. After a week of training, he shared how he had the best sleep in almost 10 years, and now he is getting better sleep and rejuvenation we can go to the next level.

Second, you will notice a change in your energy level. This is really important for you because it sets you up for the long-term benefits of this program.

In health, energy is king! Once you pump up that energy level in your body, you will be able to schedule new ways to optimize your health.

Finally, and this is a big one, as your pain decreases, or your energy increases you’ll be able to communicate better with your loved ones.

Here’s what to do next…

I offer this manifesto for FREE! Yes, you get it instantly as a download.

When you click the download button, you will be redirected to the download page.

You can now access the manifesto anywhere, immediately, even keep it on your mobile phone for quick reference.

(What’s the catch?) I know you might be asking that.


I understand where the skepticism is coming from. Some websites offer you something free but get you hook on a monthly rate, with very limited option to unsubscribe.

Like you, I hate those websites.

There’s NO hidden “continuity program”, “try now, pay later”, “30-day money back guarantee” or anything that resembles these schemes.

I will never ask for your credit card details when you download the manifesto.

To download or leave. It’s really up to you.

I’m literally giving you this entire manifesto for FREE because I want to share the REAL VALUE of this advanced health manifesting system.

My only hope is that you’ll love it and learn from it. Study it well. Bookmark the pages you love and highlight the main points that hit solid on you.

Just keep one thing mind: TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE!

You need to act fast. Your biological clock is ticking super fast. Every minute you spent doing nothing, not taking action, is a minute lost in your lifetime.

Grab Benedick's Wellness Ninja Manifesto

Health Coach
“After all my years innovating new healing technologies and optimizing health strategies I have some secrets that are now fully time tested and ready to change the face of medicine.

This Manifesto Takes Healing to an Entirely New And Exciting Level for Health Seekers

So, tell me do you wake up after a good night sleep and still feel tired?

Do you have cravings that sabotage you from making healthy decisions?

Then NOW is the time to break that cycle… “

Check you email and confirm your subscription

From doubts to results:

Because these methods brought such phenomenal results, there is an urgent need for you to understand the secrets of my Wellness Ninja Manifesto and share it to help others.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I am excited to hear from you in one of my livestreams.


Benedick Howard

P.S. In case you are one of those people (like me, most of the time) who jumps to the end of the letter, here’s what you are getting:

I’m offering you a 96-page manifesto that outlines five uncommon energy secrets for wellness seekers who are ready for instant energy, optimum health and longevity even if all else has failed.

You can download in ABSOLUTELY FREE!

You will also get my “advance health manifesting” system that I created and has helped thousands of clients in the last 10 years.

There’s no catch to this offer. You either download it or not. That simple.

I think you’ll enjoy my personal story that’s woven into the manifesto and hopefully you’ll become inspired to create the mindset that you’ll need and if the timing is right, as I only accept a few coaching clients, we’ll get the opportunity to work one on one to optimize your health.