Benedick's 2018 Wellness Ninja Manifesto

Five Uncommon Energy Secrets for Wellness Seekers Who Are Ready For Instant Energy, Optimum Health and Longevity

from the desk of Benedick Howard
26th July 2024

Health Coaching and How I Assure Your Success

Health coaching builds healthy habits that align with how you want to feel everyday.  Are you looking to optimize your health with more energy, better sleep and redox so you can detox?  You need a health coach, like my Wellness Ninja health coaching that's the quickest way to boost your mitochondria health.

Say you were an athlete have you ever wondered how sports would be without coaches?

A good coach can change a game. A great coach can change a life
– John Wooden, UCLA head coach and 10-time NCAA National Championships Winner

A sporting event can turn out chaotic, even bloody.

Why? Because an athlete can be consumed by the desire to win. In the end, an athlete can get hurt or end up hurting a competitor. The best coach knows that winning is part of the process but not always the end goal. The strength of a coach lies in getting back after a loss, motivating the athletes to win, maintaining the momentum of success and enabling the team to move beyond their comfort zone.

health coach - health coaching

Ask any great athlete and they will tell you that they are forever grateful to their coaches for giving the right advice at the right time. For most of them, the thin line between winning and losing depends on that one strategy call by the coach.

Finding a coach or a mentor is essential in every aspect of life. Be it spiritual, financial, professional and especially, health coaching.

You deserve the best that life can offer and in return, you can help others and make a legacy.

Maybe you’re here because you feel that you have been living a healthy lifestyle but you are not getting the results you want?

Maybe you’re here because you are seeking help for your health issues but are frustrated by so called health and fitness gurus?

Maybe you’re here because you’re burned out & exhausted?

Maybe you’re here because you feel that no one understands your condition and even the "best doctors" are clueless about it?

Health Coach Reality check:

I am sure you are asking yourself, “why do I need a health coach?”

I can almost hear you saying, “I am OK!”

Well, that’s what many people think. We are creatures of habit.

Thus, we love our comfort zone. (Whatever that might be for you).

We often brush off health issues because we get that false sense of relief from popping pills for every pain and discomfort we feel. We hardly listen to what our body is telling us because we numb it with alcohol, TV, blue light screens, nnEMF and no sunlight.  Or, if that does not work painkillers and antibiotics.

Still, you say “I am OK!”

Well, that’s just dumb.

You can do better than that.

Don’t let fear get in your way. False Evidence Appearing Real – that’s what FEAR is!

Fear cripples you.

Fear drives you to madness. That is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result.

When you were younger, say 10 or 20 years ago, (hopefully) you were healthy and fit.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how does that compare to now?

Do you still feel tired even after a good night’s sleep?

Do you have cravings that sabotage you from making healthy decisions?

health coaching to break that cycle

Health Coach tip: It’s time to break the cycle!

You can achieve peak performance for life.

Optimize your life by improving your vitality, strength and wellness.

Visualize what you want and you can take actions now to achieve it and make it happen.

Let me tell you now, it’s not just about the daily green smoothies or natural energy boosts, pills or supplements, diet and exercise dogmas anymore.

30-day challenge?

21-day challenge?

14-day challenge?

7-day challenge?

You don’t want to just challenge yourself. What will you do after the challenge ends?

Go back to your couch and watch TV? Then, you just return to the medical rut you were in from the very beginning.

health coach mindset

Health Coach tip: Wellness Ninja Mindset

  • You can have a clear vision of what you want and how you can achieve it
  • You can have measurable and reasonable goals, plus the numbers to track your progress
  • You can become a master of your own health

As a health coach specializing in mitochondria health  I will coach you with my updated 2018 Wellness Ninja program using my time-proven and super fast health coaching results that gets athletes back on track 2X faster on one end of the scale, and on the other end, to finally solve any inflammatory disease, or, acute and chronic pain.  It even rejuvenates degenerative tissues with astounding results, especially when all else failed.

I have coached a gold medalist sports coach, retired military intelligence deputy director, day traders, engineers, therapists and medical professionals all to achieve optimum health.

After all my years innovating new healing technologies and optimizing health strategies I have some secrets that are now fully time tested and ready to change the face of medicine.

Often I had the opportunity to use my own body to test and confirm new strategies to solve pain, boost energy and rejuvenate the underlying issues.

My intention for you is that you look outside of the box – your comfort zone – to discover how your life could become if you had me as your coach.

In the end, you can help not just yourself, but your family, friends, your community and even build a business around your health and wellness journey.

Are you ready to adopt a master’s mindset and learn new set of health generating skills and invest in your future with Benedick as your health coach?

There’s no better time than now!

Every second counts.

Every second of doubt is a downward spiral of your precious energy reserves that enslaves you from optimizing your health.

I assure you this is the best health investment you can give yourself - and it lasts a lifetime.

I can’t wait to help you and hear your success story!

I’ll give you a free one-on-one call to kickstart your health goals.


To your very best health,


Health Coach

PS.  Just released Benedick's Wellness Ninja Manifesto and my Five Uncommon Energy Secrets for Wellness Seekers Who Are Ready For Instant Energy, Optimum Health and Longevity.
Read about it here

Health Coach