Get Expert SCENAR Training and Premium Coaching
for Avazzia, DENAS, ENART and RITM devices

with Benedick Howard, Master SCENAR Practitioner With 13 Years Experience
Learn To Competently and Confidently Use Your SCENAR

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    Immediate Access

    Training and
    Premium Coaching

    $447Blue - Prosport
      US made


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        Dear Benedick:

        I am writing this testimonial to testify to your unequaled, in depth and relevant knowledge in the truly 'Star Trek' arena of healing called SCENAR.

         My desire is to affirm, to all who wish to learn, testimony to Benedick's unique & stellar abilities to help others, as he did my wife & I in understanding the underlying functionality and benefits for wholeness that SCENAR devices offer.  No one else, that I have found has such an insightful, useful and over arching understanding of how to maximize personal benefit that the SCENAR offers users.

         SCENAR's are so 'foreign' to our prior knowledge base in how they work, how they positively affect the body, that it is difficult to both the newcomer and experienced researchers just how advanced these devices are and to fully obtain the benefits of SCENAR, which is 'light years' ahead of other medical devices, we need a 'road map' on how to obtain the best, quickest and longest lasting benefits of SCENAR.

         Four years ago, my wife Kathy, was diagnosed with Thalamic Pain Syndrome, where her legs & extremities began experiencing pain equivalent to sticking your finger in a light socket.

         For over two years, I have been investigating virtually every form of pain relief, trying to find an alternate approach to drugs and allopathic medicine, which gave her only very temporary relief and with great & debilitating side effects of the prescribed medications.

         As a retired Ph.D in psychology, with the time and desire to do research on pain relief and healing modalities, I have investigated many approaches for well over two years.

        So far, I have found no other device in the same universe of effectiveness as the SCENAR.

         Seeking to discover the best possible way to apply SCENAR's incredible possibilities, I contacted numerous 'experts', as well as read innumerable research papers and web sites.

         However, in all that time, I have learned more worthwhile, useful and important information in one conversation with Benedick Howard about how to best understand, apply & benefit from SCENAR'S capabilities than all other sources combined. 
         If you would like to understand and use SCENAR in any of its almost unlimited capacity to relieve pain, to help the body assist in it returning to wholeness and to enjoy true, fully pain free living, I offer to anyone who is interested, that Benedick Howard is the most knowledgeable source on the theory, practice and most importantly effective application of ANY SCENAR device that I have found.

        I have never met Benedick Howard, have no personal or business relationship with him.  This is a totally voluntary testimonial to a fellow professional who has gained my enduring respect because, in my professional opinion, he is the single most knowledgeable source on how to benefit from any SCENAR.

        Thomas Lawson, Ph.D., Psychologist & Owner Center for Psychology and Counseling

        Doctors, therapists and people like you trust
        this micro-current biofeedback technology


        Dr Rick Smith DC

        Carolyne Hardy LMT

        Dr John Bonds DDS


        Facebook Group

        I feel the training program, esp. with all the videos, is a big selling point. Since I purchased my Electrical Energizer I have directed many friends to your site Benedick. When I talk to them about buying a device I always emphasize the great training that you provide.”

        Dr David

        The doctors diagnosed me with nerve impingement, bulging of discs and stenosis along my whole spine. Later I went back for a MRI and the doctors were amazed – “Wow your body is healing itself” to them they could not understand that.”


        Herniated discs, had hard time turning my head, arm going dead, numb for years.  After a couple of sessions felt the difference immediately.  Gone diabetes sores from legs, arms and chest, no more itching, sleeping better.”


        Everybody was giving me different advice for lower back, sciatica and neck.  Lots of pain keeping me up at night. I was miserable for six months.  Now, sleeping at night, minimal soreness.  After healing crisis feeling much better, now it’s really working.”


        Thanks to the training I am able to do my stained glass art without having to endure the pain in my back and hands. Will treat my hands after working all day and will have no pain. Also, have arthritis in right shoulder, pain controlled by the Electrical Energizer. No longer use my allergy medicine, treat sinuses freq especially when I have symptoms.”


        The trainings helped me to fully understand the basic principles of the Electrical Energizer. And especially the importance of the neuropeptides which motivated me to do the entire body.”


        I have a chronic, autoimmune disease that manifests itself with many different pain syndromes – paresthesia, joint pain, back pain, muscle pain, numbness and pain in the hands and feet. Your training has been helpful with almost all of the above.”


        Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

        • q-iconHow soon can I get going?

          The Avazzia models ships in 48 hours and if you purchase on a Monday you will get it by the end of the week in the USA. Russian and Ukraine models for political reasons right now are highly unpredictable.

        • q-icon I need a device, can you recommend one for me?

          I can recommend a device that will save you money, time and pain.  The FDA approved models can be reimbursed in the US with a prescription from a pain doctor.

        • q-iconIs it true that micro-current biofeedback can rebuild degenerative tissue?

          Contrary to what most doctors are taught, the Russian clinical trials and subsequent data all support that this technology does quicken regeneration and has been proven for over 30 years.

        • q-iconHow do I get support when I have questions?

          The plans have different support packages.  You’ll find them on the next page.

        • q-icon I already own a device, can I use it with the BodyFUSION Ultimate Pain Busting System?

          Yes, you can use any Avazzia, DENAS, ENART or SCENAR model. I do not give medical advice or suggest any medical claims.

        • q-iconIs the eBodyFUSION Ultimate Pain Busting System a monthly recurring fee?

          Plans come with 1 – 12 month membership and monthly recurring after, if you choose.